
Liberal Arts Department

Chair of Art History Department,

Doctor of Science,


The Art History Department of The Boris Shchukin Theatre Institute is one of the supporting departments of the Institute. The teachers of the Department give lectures on theatre history, Art history, literature, history of costume, and in short give lectures on disciplines of art development, all of which contribute to the language of theatre.

Theatre is all-encompassing by nature and requires performers (actors) and creators (directors) who possess the language of every kind of Art. The study of Art History corresponds to the rest of the course of study in order, so the students have an opportunity to see the panorama of Art development in Europe and Russia. They also can comprehend how the fundamental rules of each kind of Art work within their historical perspective.

It’s important to mention that during the long time of existence of the department the teachers of Art History or Literature have created an original method of giving lectures. Considering the specificity of the graduates of The Vakhtangov Theatre School, a course of lectures is built differently from how it is arranged in other educational establishments.

The series of Theatre History lectures are the core that defines the direction of all other disciplines of the department.

The level of the lectures on Art History is traditionally so high that it allows some of our graduates work not only in theatre but also as editors on radio and television, tour-guides and researchers in the museums of Moscow.


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